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Darcy's World is offered as a pdf ebook, safely sold through PayPal, for just $6.00. The book is formatted into book-size pages that are easy to read on screen using the Acrobat pdf reader that is on most computers, phones and other devices. Just download the ebook file I send you as an email attachment and double click the file to open it. Clickable bookmarks take you to whichever chapter you wish. Pressing Ctrl + L to put the reader into full screen mode will make the book more easily readable. Although most web browsers can display pdf files, the Acrobat reader does a better job, and is a free download at: Download Acrobat Reader.

Darcy's World ebook, $6.00:

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Most of the time I will be able to email you your ebook the same day as I get the order. On rare occasions, though, I am away from the internet for a few days, and on those occasions it may be up to a few days before I can get your ebook to you.

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For the home page of my book, In Search of the Loving God, which includes three complete chapters from the book' click here: In Search of the Loving God